Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Sleepless night

复杂的心情,矛盾的心情.. 我不会形容.. 


And still.. money is the root of all evils...


Tuesday, 6 December 2011


OHHHH YESS ! It's DEEECEEEEMMMMMBERRRRR !! how come the time passed soooooo fast ?! baby's bday is around the corner..hehehe ! soooooooo excited :P 

Bad thing happened 2 days ago.. my car's mirror broken.. must be that stupid indian or malay did it.. and they took away a camera.. got some important photos inside the camera..memories T____T.. but i'm not like edison chen laaaa :D *no offense just fact !* but we're very lucky.. no one get hurt.. just that mirror :P ehhh ! i very very very scare girl cry one.. because i don't know how to an wei :X beh ki betul betul~ 

yesterday ! lucky 99 ! take bus no need to wait long long time.. :D repair that mirror also free.. and i met her mommy ! WOW COMPLETELY A BIG SHOCK ! XD 

biibii, bad things goes away dy.. cheersssss ! ILY :P


HAPPY NEW YEAR ! 2012 leggo !